What are Vitamins and their Classification?

Vitamins are organic compounds that are essential for the normal growth and functioning of the human body. They are required in very small quantities, but cannot be synthesized by the body itself and can only be obtained from outside sources. Vitamins are classified into two groups: water-soluble vitamins and fat-soluble vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins, such as Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C, are not stored in the body and must be supplied regularly through foods such as citrus fruits, spinach, and other green leafy vegetables.

A lack of vitamins in the body can lead to deficiency diseases, such as scurvy. Fat-soluble vitamins, such as Vitamins A and D, are stored in adipose tissue and are used only when the body needs them. Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibers are the main components of food. A balanced diet should have 50 percent carbohydrates, 35 percent fat, 12 percent protein, 3 percent vitamins and minerals, and an adequate amount of water and fodder.

Benedict's solution is used to test for the presence of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins. Vitamin deficiency can lead to night blindness, beriberi, anemia, scurvy, and rickets. It is not good to heat food over and over again because heating it loses the nutrients and vitamins in the food. All everyday scientific solutions for Science Class 6 are prepared by experts and have 100% accuracy.

Here we provide everyday scientific solutions for class 6 Science Chapter 2 Food components with simple step-by-step explanations. We hope that the free download of the Components of Food Components of Food PDF from CBSE Class 6 Science Notes Chapter 2 Components of Food will help you.

Ben Liebhardt
Ben Liebhardt

Amateur travel fanatic. General web buff. Certified travel junkie. Twitter nerd. Infuriatingly humble web practitioner. Certified beer nerd.

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