Vitamins for Hair Growth: What You Need to Know

Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, medical conditions, stress, and vitamin deficiencies. Diet plays a crucial role in the development of healthy hair, and vitamins can help restore damaged hair, prevent premature aging, reduce hair loss, and improve growth and volume. B vitamins, vitamin A, C, D, E, zinc, protein, fatty acids and biotin are all essential nutrients for healthy hair. Nature Made Multi for Her contains vitamins that are important for healthy hair, such as zinc, vitamin C, B vitamins and vitamin D.

Pure Encapsulations B-Complex Plus contains all eight B vitamins and is certified gluten-free and GMO free. FullWell prenatal multivitamin provides a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals that can support hair growth, including B vitamins, zinc and vitamin D. Biotin is also known as vitamin B7 and stimulates keratin production to increase follicle growth. You can find this vitamin in many foods, including eggs, meat, fish, nuts, eggs, sweet potatoes, and seeds.

Vitamin A is the perfect fuel for hair growth as it produces sebum which moisturizes the scalp and keeps it healthy. Foods high in beta-carotene include sweet potatoes, pumpkins, carrots, spinach, and kale. You can also find it in cod liver oil, eggs, yogurt and milk. Vitamin C helps the body produce collagen (prevents hair from falling out prematurely) and absorb iron which can help hair grow.

You'll find vitamin C in citrus fruits, peppers, strawberries, tomatoes and guavas. Vitamin D deficiencies can lead to hair loss conditions such as alopecia, female pattern hair loss and excessive hair loss. To get a higher vitamin D intake you can incorporate fatty fish, cod liver oil, fortified foods (cereals, eggs, bread, yogurt), and mushrooms into your diet. Vitamin E contains the same antioxidant power as its vitamin C counterpart which helps reduce hair damage from free radicals by balancing its electrons when it does.

You can find vitamin E in sunflower seeds, spinach, avocados and almonds. Iron fuels the production of hemoglobin which delivers oxygen to cells throughout the body helping them repair and grow. You'll find iron in foods such as eggs, red meat, lentils spinach oysters and clams. Zinc promotes hair growth and keeps the sebaceous glands that surround the follicles working well. You can find zinc in many common foods such as beef spinach wheat germ pumpkin seeds oysters and lentils.

It's always best to get nutrients from whole foods rather than supplements as taking too much of certain vitamins could cause side effects. If you experience more hair loss on a regular basis than normal it's best to consult your doctor who can create a specific treatment plan that could include vitamins. While many vitamin and mineral supplements may be useful for certain populations it is important to purchase these products from reputable companies that have their products tested by independent third parties to verify their quality and purity.

Ben Liebhardt
Ben Liebhardt

Amateur travel fanatic. General web buff. Certified travel junkie. Twitter nerd. Infuriatingly humble web practitioner. Certified beer nerd.

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