Ben Liebhardt

Ben Liebhardt

Amateur travel fanatic. General web buff. Certified travel junkie. Twitter nerd. Infuriatingly humble web practitioner. Certified beer nerd.

102 Total Articles
Can Vitamins Cause Diarrhea? The Risks of Overconsumption

Can Vitamins Cause Diarrhea? The Risks of Overconsumption

It may seem like a good idea to take vitamins and minerals to cover your nutritional bases, but routinely consuming an...

Boost Your Energy Levels with Vitamins and Supplements

Boost Your Energy Levels with Vitamins and Supplements

Tiredness seems to be everyone's perpetual state. We're hardworking and constantly connected, even when we're supposed to ...

What is Vitamin A and How is it Classified?

What is Vitamin A and How is it Classified?

Vitamins are organic substances that are generally classified as fat-soluble or water-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins...

What is the best vitamin for weight loss?

What is the best vitamin for weight loss?

The main function of vitamin B, specifically vitamin B12, is to metabolize food and convert it into fuel for the body....

Everything You Need to Know About Vitamin K

Everything You Need to Know About Vitamin K

Vitamin K is an essential nutrient found throughout the body, including the liver, brain, heart, pancreas, and bones. It...

When is the Best Time to Take Vitamins and Minerals?

When is the Best Time to Take Vitamins and Minerals?

Vitamins and minerals are essential for good health, but when is the best time to take them? It depends on the type of...

The Fascinating History of Vitamin Discovery

The Fascinating History of Vitamin Discovery

The discovery of vitamins was a major breakthrough in our understanding of health and disease. In 1912, Casimir Funk...

Do FDA Approved Vitamins Exist?

Do FDA Approved Vitamins Exist?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is limited to post-marketing application when it comes to dietary supplements....

The Best Sources of Vitamin C: A Comprehensive Guide

The Best Sources of Vitamin C: A Comprehensive Guide

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that plays an important role in immune function, reducing the risk of chronic...

The Risks of Taking Vitamins and Supplements

The Risks of Taking Vitamins and Supplements

Vitamins and supplements are often seen as a quick fix for health problems, but they can be just as dangerous as they are ...

What is an example of vitamin a drug?

What is an example of vitamin a drug?

Prescription creams and pills that contain retinoids, a synthetic form of vitamin A, are used to help get rid of severe...

The Essential Guide to Vitamins: Types, Benefits, and Sources

The Essential Guide to Vitamins: Types, Benefits, and Sources

Vitamins are essential for the body to grow and function properly. There are 13 essential vitamins, which are divided...

Can Vitamins Cause Constipation? An Expert's Perspective

Can Vitamins Cause Constipation? An Expert's Perspective

When it comes to vitamins and minerals, it's important to understand that some can cause loose stools or diarrhea, while...

The Benefits of Taking a Multivitamin: Should You Take Vitamins Everyday or Every Other Day?

The Benefits of Taking a Multivitamin: Should You Take Vitamins Everyday or Every Other Day?

In terms of vitamins, some are fat-soluble, which means they are stored in the liver and you don't need them every day,...

Can Vitamin B12 Cause Acne Breakouts?

Can Vitamin B12 Cause Acne Breakouts?

Too much vitamin B12 can lead to acne breakouts, according to a recent study. The study found that when vitamin B12 is...

Everything You Need to Know About Vitamins and Minerals

Everything You Need to Know About Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are essential for normal growth and optimal health. They are organic compounds that our bodies use...

The 13 Essential Vitamins for Optimal Health

The 13 Essential Vitamins for Optimal Health

The National Institutes of Health notes that “some ingredients found in dietary supplements are added to a growing...

Do Vitamins Give You Energy? An Expert's Guide

Do Vitamins Give You Energy? An Expert's Guide

Clinical research has demonstrated that vitamins, minerals, and botanical supplements can provide an energy boost without ...

The Most Important Vitamins for Optimal Health

The Most Important Vitamins for Optimal Health

For optimal health, it's essential to choose foods that contain the most nutrients. These are the 11 most nutrient-dense...

Boost Your Energy with 11 Natural Vitamins and Supplements

Boost Your Energy with 11 Natural Vitamins and Supplements

The eight B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, biotin, folate and B1) are essential for...

Vitamins for a Healthy Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

Vitamins for a Healthy Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

When it comes to creating the right environment for a healthy pregnancy, adequate vitamin and mineral intake is...

Everything You Need to Know About Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Everything You Need to Know About Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Vitamins are essential for growth, reproduction, and overall health. Among them, vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble...

Who vitamin a deficiency?

Who vitamin a deficiency?

It can also occur when the intestine cannot absorb the nutrient. Vitamin A deficiency can cause blindness.

The 13 Essential Vitamins for a Healthy Body and Brain

The 13 Essential Vitamins for a Healthy Body and Brain

Don't forget zinc and vitamin B12 for a healthy body and brain. The body uses free radicals not only to destroy cancer...

The Power of Vitamins: How They Changed My Life

The Power of Vitamins: How They Changed My Life

Vitamins are essential for our health and wellbeing. From maintaining healthy bones to reducing the risk of flu and...

Can Taking Vitamins Give You Diarrhea?

Can Taking Vitamins Give You Diarrhea?

Vitamins are essential for our health, but taking them in excess can cause a variety of gastrointestinal problems....

What Level is Vitamin D Deficiency?

What Level is Vitamin D Deficiency?

Studies have found a correlation between low blood levels of vitamin D and an increased risk of depression. Taking...

The History of Vitamin Discovery: From Umetaro Suzuki to Casimir Funk

The History of Vitamin Discovery: From Umetaro Suzuki to Casimir Funk

In 1910, the Japanese scientist Umetaro Suzuki made a groundbreaking discovery when he isolated the first vitamin complex ...

10 Amazing Benefits of Watermelon You Should Know About

10 Amazing Benefits of Watermelon You Should Know About

Watermelon is a delicious and refreshing fruit that is packed with essential vitamins and minerals. It is a great source...

The Benefits of Vitamin D: Who Recommended It and How Much Should You Take?

The Benefits of Vitamin D: Who Recommended It and How Much Should You Take?

Vitamin D is essential for bone health, and taking a multivitamin complex with it can help improve your overall...

Can Multivitamins Cause Sleeplessness? An Expert's Perspective

Can Multivitamins Cause Sleeplessness? An Expert's Perspective

Millions of Americans take multivitamins daily, seeking all kinds of health benefits. But can these supplements cause...

Is it okay to take vitamins on an empty stomach?

Is it okay to take vitamins on an empty stomach?

In general, taking vitamins on an empty stomach isn't bad for you. However, be sure to take any supplement as recommended ...

The 13 Essential Vitamins: What You Need to Know

The 13 Essential Vitamins: What You Need to Know

Vitamins are organic substances that the body needs to survive and maintain its healthy functioning. There are 13...

The Best Sources of Vitamin C in the World

The Best Sources of Vitamin C in the World

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for the human body, and it's important to get enough of it in your diet. But what has...

How Long Do Vitamins Remain Potent After Expiration?

How Long Do Vitamins Remain Potent After Expiration?

Pregnant women and people who need regular supplements due to a deficiency should always consult their doctor before...

Vitamins for Hair Growth: What You Need to Know

Vitamins for Hair Growth: What You Need to Know

Hair loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, medical conditions, stress, and vitamin...

The Benefits of Eating Watermelon Every Day

The Benefits of Eating Watermelon Every Day

Watermelon is a delicious and nutritious fruit that has been enjoyed for thousands of years. It is packed with essential...

Does Vitamin B12 Help with Weight Loss?

Does Vitamin B12 Help with Weight Loss?

Vitamin B12 is an essential water-soluble B-complex vitamin found naturally in many foods, such as meat, fish, and dairy...

When is the Best Time to Take Vitamins?

When is the Best Time to Take Vitamins?

Most people know that taking vitamins is important for their health, but many don't know when the best time to take them...

The Best Vitamins for Energy: A Comprehensive Guide

The Best Vitamins for Energy: A Comprehensive Guide

Feeling low on energy? You may be deficient in certain vitamins and minerals. Along with a balanced diet, taking the...

Which Vitamins Should Not Be Taken Together: A Comprehensive Guide

Which Vitamins Should Not Be Taken Together: A Comprehensive Guide

Taking vitamins and supplements is a great way to ensure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs to stay...

The History of Vitamin Discovery: From James Lind to the Present Day

The History of Vitamin Discovery: From James Lind to the Present Day

The discovery of vitamins was a major breakthrough in our understanding of health and disease. In 1912, Casimir Funk...

Is it good to take multivitamins before sleep?

Is it good to take multivitamins before sleep?

The best time to take multivitamins You should take your multivitamins in the morning with a meal to facilitate...

Is Vitamin C Water or Fat Soluble?

Is Vitamin C Water or Fat Soluble?

Vitamins are organic substances that are generally classified as fat-soluble or water-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins...

Can You Get Sick from Taking Vitamins?

Can You Get Sick from Taking Vitamins?

Taking vitamins is a great way to supplement your diet and ensure that you are getting the nutrients you need. However,...

Are vitamins the same as minerals?

Are vitamins the same as minerals?

Vitamins are organic substances, which means that they are produced by plants or animals. Minerals are inorganic elements ...

What Vitamins Should Not Be Taken with Antibiotics?

What Vitamins Should Not Be Taken with Antibiotics?

Taking supplements while on antibiotics can be a tricky business. Even the most common supplements can have surprising...

Can Vitamins Make You Sick? A Comprehensive Guide

Can Vitamins Make You Sick? A Comprehensive Guide

Vitamins are essential for our health and wellbeing, but taking too many can have adverse effects. Routinely consuming an ...

The 13 Essential Vitamins: What They Are and How to Get Them

The 13 Essential Vitamins: What They Are and How to Get Them

Vitamins are essential substances that our body needs to develop and function normally. There are 13 essential vitamins,...

How to Avoid Nausea When Taking Vitamins

How to Avoid Nausea When Taking Vitamins

Taking vitamins on an empty stomach can make you feel sick. To avoid stomach pain, take them with food, use...

Are Vitamins FSA Eligible? A Comprehensive Guide

Are Vitamins FSA Eligible? A Comprehensive Guide

Vitamins and nutritional supplements are not typically eligible for reimbursement through a Flexible Spending Account...

Will vitamins give me energy?

Will vitamins give me energy?

Clinical research has shown that vitamins, minerals and botanical supplements can offer an energy boost without the risk...

Where Vitamins are Absorbed and How to Maximize Their Bioavailability

Where Vitamins are Absorbed and How to Maximize Their Bioavailability

Vitamins are essential for normal cellular functions, growth and development, and their deficiency can lead to a variety...

Who vitamin a supplementation guidelines?

Who vitamin a supplementation guidelines?

Vitamin A supplementation is a global health strategy to eliminate vitamin A deficiency and its tragic consequences....

Are certain vitamins bad to take together?

Are certain vitamins bad to take together?

Combining supplements usually doesn't interfere with how they work and, in some cases, can be beneficial; for example,...

The Most Important Vitamin for Your Body: Vitamin D

The Most Important Vitamin for Your Body: Vitamin D

Vitamin D is the most important vitamin for the body in general, and it is very likely that you are not getting enough....

Can Vitamins Cause Acne? An Expert's Perspective

Can Vitamins Cause Acne? An Expert's Perspective

Collagen supplements have been touted as essential for glowing skin, but it's important to know that some contain...

What vitamins hinder weight loss?

What vitamins hinder weight loss?

There are many foods to add calcium to your diet, but it may still not be enough. Too little iodine can cause the thyroid ...

Are Vitamins a Waste of Money? An Expert's Perspective

Are Vitamins a Waste of Money? An Expert's Perspective

Nick Blackmer is a librarian, data verifier and researcher with more than 20 years of experience in consumer-oriented...

What Happens When Vitamin D Levels Are Low?

What Happens When Vitamin D Levels Are Low?

Vitamin D deficiency occurs when the body doesn't get enough of this essential nutrient from sunlight or diet. This can...

Where Do Vitamins Come From? An Expert's Guide to Vitamins and Minerals

Where Do Vitamins Come From? An Expert's Guide to Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients that the body needs in small amounts to function properly. Vitamins are...

What are Vitamins and What Do They Do?

What are Vitamins and What Do They Do?

Vitamins are essential organic compounds that are necessary for the body to function properly. They are divided into two...

Is Taking Vitamins Everyday Worth It?

Is Taking Vitamins Everyday Worth It?

If you take a multivitamin supplement, it's likely because you want to do all you can to safeguard your health. However,...

Are any b vitamins antioxidants?

Are any b vitamins antioxidants?

These experimental results suggest the possibility that group B vitamins have antioxidant and pro-oxidant effects on...

Everything You Need to Know About Vitamin B12

Everything You Need to Know About Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that helps the body keep nerve and blood cells healthy. It also helps the body...

Understanding the Difference Between Fat-Soluble and Water-Soluble Vitamins

Understanding the Difference Between Fat-Soluble and Water-Soluble Vitamins

Vitamins are essential for the body to function properly, and they are divided into two main categories: fat-soluble and...

What Vitamins Do You Need Every Day?

What Vitamins Do You Need Every Day?

Your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium, promote bone growth, and keep bones and teeth strong. The average adult...

What Vitamins Can You Overdose On?

What Vitamins Can You Overdose On?

Vitamins are essential for our health, but it's important to remember that you only need them in small amounts. While...

The Essential Guide to Vitamins: What You Need to Know

The Essential Guide to Vitamins: What You Need to Know

Vitamins are essential for our bodies to function properly. They play a role in energy production, macronutrient...

The Dangers of Taking Too Many Vitamins

The Dangers of Taking Too Many Vitamins

Vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients are essential for the body to function properly. However, taking too much of ...

The Benefits of Vitamins: How They Work and Why You Need Them

The Benefits of Vitamins: How They Work and Why You Need Them

Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients that work together to perform hundreds of functions in the body. They help...

Why vitamins make you nauseous?

Why vitamins make you nauseous?

This is because some vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, folate (B), vitamin E and iron, can increase stomach acid...

Can Vitamins Cause Constipation? An Expert's Guide

Can Vitamins Cause Constipation? An Expert's Guide

Vitamins are essential for our health and wellbeing, but can they cause constipation? The answer is yes and no. While...

The 13 Essential Vitamins: What They Are and What They Do

The 13 Essential Vitamins: What They Are and What They Do

Vitamins are essential for the body to grow and function properly. There are 13 essential vitamins that are necessary for ...

Do Multivitamins Cause Sleepiness?

Do Multivitamins Cause Sleepiness?

When it comes to vitamins, consuming them in the form of food or supplement, or both, in the right quantities should not...

Can I Take 5000 IU Vitamin D3 Daily?

Can I Take 5000 IU Vitamin D3 Daily?

The truth is that we need vitamin D to stay healthy and fit, but 5000 IU (units) of vitamin D in a daily tablet is more...

Who Synthesizes Vitamins and Minerals for Us?

Who Synthesizes Vitamins and Minerals for Us?

Ultimately, it was the chemists who isolated the various vitamins, deduced their chemical structure and developed methods ...

Do Vitamins Really Make a Difference?

Do Vitamins Really Make a Difference?

Vitamins are essential for the body to function properly, but do they really make a difference in our health? Researchers ...

Can Taking Multivitamins Cause Diarrhea?

Can Taking Multivitamins Cause Diarrhea?

Taking a multivitamin is a great way to ensure that you are getting the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs....

The Sun and Vitamin D: What You Need to Know

The Sun and Vitamin D: What You Need to Know

Vitamin D is essential for our health, and the sun is one of the main sources of this important nutrient. But how much...

Can Vitamins Make You Tired? An Expert's Perspective

Can Vitamins Make You Tired? An Expert's Perspective

Vitamins are essential for the body to function properly, but can they make you feel tired? The answer is yes, but only...

Boost Your Energy with Natural Vitamins and Supplements

Boost Your Energy with Natural Vitamins and Supplements

The eight B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, biotin, folate and B1) are essential for...

What are 3 deficiencies of vitamin a?

What are 3 deficiencies of vitamin a?

Here are 8 signs and symptoms of vitamin A deficiency, dry skin. Eye problems are some of the best-known problems related ...

The Essential Guide to Vitamins and Minerals

The Essential Guide to Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients that the body needs to perform a number of normal functions. However, these...

Where to Find Vitamin D for Optimal Health

Where to Find Vitamin D for Optimal Health

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for optimal health, and it can be found in a variety of sources. The best sources are...

The Most Important Vitamins for Your Health

The Most Important Vitamins for Your Health

Nutritionists agree that there are seven essential ingredients that should be included in a multivitamin. These include...

Which vitamins help you lose weight?

Which vitamins help you lose weight?

Green tea extract, vitamins · Vitamin D · Iron · Magnesium These vitamins are essential for the full functioning of...

The Benefits of Vitamins and Nutrients for Your Health

The Benefits of Vitamins and Nutrients for Your Health

Vitamins and nutrients are essential for our health and wellbeing. They provide us with energy, help us to stay healthy,...

The Benefits and Risks of Taking Vitamins

The Benefits and Risks of Taking Vitamins

Vitamins and minerals are essential for the body to develop and function properly. While most people get the recommended...

Who vitamin c?

Who vitamin c?

Sources of vitamin C · Vitamin C and health · Health risks due to excess. Vitamin C is one of many antioxidants.

Where Can You Find Vitamin C?

Where Can You Find Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that your body needs to stay healthy. It is found in a variety of fruits and...

The Discovery of Vitamins: Who Coined the Term?

The Discovery of Vitamins: Who Coined the Term?

The discovery of vitamins was a major breakthrough in our understanding of health and disease. In 1912, Casimir Funk was...

The Benefits of Vitamins: Why They're Essential for Good Health

The Benefits of Vitamins: Why They're Essential for Good Health

Vitamins are organic substances that the body needs to survive and thrive. They help the body grow and develop, as well...

The Fascinating History of Vitamin Discovery

The Fascinating History of Vitamin Discovery

In 1911, Casimir Funk made a remarkable discovery when he isolated a concentrate of rice polishing products that cured...

The Risks of Taking Vitamins: What You Need to Know

The Risks of Taking Vitamins: What You Need to Know

On the one hand, dietary supplements can sometimes interact with each other, as well as with over-the-counter and...

Who Reports on Vitamin A Deficiency?

Who Reports on Vitamin A Deficiency?

Vitamin A deficiency is a serious health issue that affects more than half of the countries in the world, particularly...

The Essential Guide to Water-Soluble Vitamins

The Essential Guide to Water-Soluble Vitamins

Vitamins are essential for the body to function properly, and there are two main types: water-soluble and fat-soluble....

What medications worsen restless leg syndrome?

What medications worsen restless leg syndrome?

Certain medications can worsen RLS symptoms, such as some anti-nausea medications, antipsychotics, antidepressants that...

What are the 13 vitamins in order?

What are the 13 vitamins in order?

Vitamins help the body grow and function as it should. There are 13 essential vitamins, vitamins A, C, D, E, K and B...

10 Essential Vitamins and Nutrients to Support Your Immune System

10 Essential Vitamins and Nutrients to Support Your Immune System

Vitamins B6, C and E are known for their immune-boosting properties. You can get all of these vitamins from a...