What vitamin should i take if i feel tired all the time?

It's easy to associate energy with physical things like exercise, but you need it for much more than that. Literally, everything that happens in the body, from digesting food and producing hormones to breathing and heartbeats, requires energy. We even need energy to think and feel things. In fact, the brain is particularly hungry for energy and uses around 20% of total energy, such as mushrooms (especially shiitake), salmon, avocado, chicken, beef, sunflower seeds, whole milk, sweet potato and lentils.10 And last but not least, there is vitamin B6, another vital nutrient that is intricately involved in the complex process of converting food into energy.

Vitamin B6 also helps the body access and use stored energy, which means that athletes or anyone who exercises regularly are likely to need more. 11. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ) is a natural nutrient in the body that converts food into energy for cells. All major organs in the body need CoQ10 to function, including the heart, kidneys, brain, lungs, and liver. As people age, CoQ10 levels naturally decline in the body, leading to fatigue and lack of exercise.

Taking CoQ10 supplements can maintain levels in the body and increase energy. Tyrosine is the by-product of phenylalanine, an amino acid that occurs naturally in the body. Tyrosine is vital to the function of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters send messages to the brain and produce chemicals that improve mood, such as dopamine.

Tyrosine also helps the thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary glands regulate hormones such as. Stress and lack of sleep, two causes of fatigue, affect the body's ability to produce tyrosine. Tyrosine can help improve energy levels in people with these conditions. Vitamin B12 is vital for red blood cell production and for a healthy nervous system.

This nutrient also plays a vital role in energy metabolism. When we include vitamin B12 in our diet, it metabolizes carbohydrates, proteins and fats and converts them into energy. Vitamin B12 is most commonly found in animal products, such as milk, eggs, and poultry. Without enough, we can suffer from extreme fatigue, pale skin, and heart palpitations.

Vitamin D, also known as “the sunshine vitamin”, is naturally created by the body from sunlight. In the winter months, darker days mean that our levels of this nutrient may drop. That's why the Department of Public Health recommends daily vitamin D supplementation between October and March. This vitamin is found in very low amounts in foods, so supplements may be an easier option for those trying to increase their levels.

Iron is an essential mineral that is needed to produce hemoglobin. This protein is found in red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. One of the most common symptoms of iron deficiency is fatigue. You can increase your intake by eating iron-rich foods, such as liver, beans, or red meat.

If you lack vitamin D, your body doesn't absorb many other micronutrients and minerals. If you often feel tired and want to know how to optimize your diet for energy, this is a great first step. And last but not least, there is vitamin B6, another vital nutrient that intricately intersects the complex process of converting food into energy. A sedentary lifestyle can leave you feeling sluggish, while a quick 40-minute walk every day can cheer you up.

If you don't have a diagnosed deficiency, don't waste your money on vitamin supplements for fatigue.

B-complex vitamins

, especially vitamin B12 If you have a low level of this particular vitamin, this will have a direct impact on the health of your red blood cells or red blood cells. This means that once the caffeine wears off, a buildup of adenosine reaches the brain and causes you to feel tired. Supplement manufacturers don't hesitate to use this as a money-making plan, marketing vitamins for fatigue that promise to cheer you up when you can't get your zzzes.

Vitamin C Vitamin C is another important nutrient not only for your immunity, but also for your overall well-being. The group of eight B vitamins, which include thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, and pantothenic acid, help your body convert the food you eat into energy. But why do we get tired? There are many factors that can cause fatigue, and our supply of vitamins and minerals is one of the most important. Any nutrient deficiency can cause fatigue, but there are some vitamin deficiencies that are known specifically for this.


Ben Liebhardt
Ben Liebhardt

Amateur travel fanatic. General web buff. Certified travel junkie. Twitter nerd. Infuriatingly humble web practitioner. Certified beer nerd.

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